MEN jag har sett några helt GRYYYMMMA installationer, eller 'live-konst', i mina dagar (bl a en under besöket jag precis nämnde, men får ta upp det någon annan gång) men den FÖRSTA installationen som jag verkligen minns berörde mig var på Bonniers Konsthall i februari i år.
Verket är Kirstine Roepstorffs "Stille Teater" från 2008.
Jag har funderat lääänge och väl på vad den hette, men tacka vet jag Bonniers konsthalls arkiv och youtube.
Två röster diskuterar runt runt och en påle med hängande tavlor snurrar åt olika håll och olika bilder projiceras i 'tavlorna' beroende på vilka lampor som genomlyser dom och hur de vridits.
Dock måste ni tänka er några saker.
När man ser denna installation sitter man i ett ljudisolerat och kolsvart rum (framgår inte riktigt av youtube kvaliteten) och i slutet sätts låten 'The Windmills of your mind' på, samt att det synkade ljusspelet i själva konstverket är helt otroligt häftigt irl.
Här är klippen i två delar. och jag har även tagit mig friheten att skriva ut konversationen som hålls i klippen. Jag har för mig att den inte slutar där klippen är slut, men ni får iallafall en försmak.
Del 1:
Del 2:
"Love cuts' you open. How to love- you must open again the wound. Love inevitably intails this is the tragedy of myself, in the ego in becoming. One must love oneself in order to love oneself or fineally -if you prefer- in order to love. Love is strong affection or attachment. Love is a contact with the other, which involves the renanciation of 'being' for self. Love is conditioned on sacrifice. Loving another means calling oneself into selfconsionsness -that is NAMING oneself- which is eqivalent of exploding the singularity of the 'I'.
I am..I am..I am very much. To love someone or something involves giving the other a name. 'You my love', it is 'to YOU' I thereby name. Is it 'to you' that I adress myself?
- Tell me your name.
- I'm me.
- Love means opening a door, to love freely is to respond and to be responded to.
- When you love, you name things. I have many names. My 'me' is a conglarent of all I have ever experienced and everyone I've ever met. But I am also what I have lost. I am the image, an image of existence.
- I hear, but WHO are you?
- I'm me. I am balance. I am constant balance, the core of all life. I am the balence between light and dark, loss and gain, passive and active, male and female, culture and nature. I am the equlibrium of everything. I never stop, I never die.
- WHO are you?
- I am everything. I am existence. And these are fruits. They are strange fruits, because their seasons are always there, their fruits of society. I name them Pears, because there not as clever as apples, they like intention. Unintentionally they grow til they drop from their own weight. There passive. They are the fruits of apathy and passiveness. they are fertilized. they, they bloom, they materialize, they gain, they ripen, they fall of their stork then rott and disappear into the cycle of eternal seasons. These chunky fruits are fed by convension and die as such. Strange fruit, falling.
- Everything that is material suffers, you know that. Who are you?
- I am the dog called Loss. I am melancholia. I am memory. I am what is not here anymore. I am what I have lost. I lost love and love is also that I am. I have to love, my heart is in my hand, my hand is in my bag, my bag is shut and my heart is caught. Love comes with responsibility, a great responsibility. Love is not free, but you can catch love, giving it a name and a shape. I love my love. I love to name. My name, your name. I love less if I don't grasp and define, if I don't frame and measure my pretcens evaporates. I might not even excist. If I don't excist - the eyes of others will give me a name. I fear that the others will grasp and define, by this they catch love in my place. I will be held bondage in the expectations. Love and values of not Me. I fear being a victime of the other. I need the power of definition to manifest me. My love and my space.
- Alot of effort invested in defining. What do you get out of it? And why this attachment to fear?
- Oh, naming and categorising logisticly makes it easier to remember the thoughts thought and create pretsence, otherwise I forget.
- You fear forgetting? You told me you are also what you have lost? Your fear is your horse, ride Fear. Fear is not substasual, let fear dissolve into energy, make it plow your past harvets your strengh.
- But fear is only a retight measure. Of course I don't fear Fear. If I'm not measurable, I'm not important. If I'm not important I'm not measurable. Non-excisting things are not measured. That would mean I don't excist. Which I obviously do, he? The more defined my egos are, the more others can relate to me. This strenghtens my position in relation to my surroundings. I love my surrondings espacially when they gaze at my form which then makes me grow more solid, I gain pretsence when they relate to me and I feel strong when I'm solid. The more they relate the more I become.
- Oh, image why are you moving things around? Finally in intierly insubstatual?
- Who decides? If I get run over by a truck, I am flat.
- True. The energy waves of the truck swings slower than yours. True. That is a condition that you'll have to respect. But, a truck is not solid. It is just another density, it is more dense than you.
- Hmpf, who are you? who are you? who are you to tell me? who are you anyway? who decides this? who decides? who decides? who decides density?
- I am suddle but I am always. I am space. I am an element just like earth, fire, water and air, body, coheasion, temperature, mobility and I could be awareness. "